Monday, November 3, 2008

SPECTACLES OF GLORY "What's Your Net Worth" Luke 12:13-21 Mateen Elass

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"What's Your Net Worth"
Luke 12:13-21
Mateen Elass

The parable of the rich fool is all about material covetousness. Jesus’ teaching about human worth runs counter to our culture. The media trumpets the “net worth” of our most successful billionaires. Jesus says, “One’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions. ” The parable shows one who works hard to amass a fortune, but in the process ignores what really gives life value. In the end, unable to control the future, he must leave behind the treasure he worked so hard to obtain, and with a shriveled spirit face God with nothing to offer. How much wiser to be rich toward God now, and discover your real net worth: priceless in God’s eyes!