Sunday, March 22, 2009

Seeking God’s Pleasure – A Study of Philippians “What Gives You Confidence in God?” Philippians 3:1-11 Mateen Elass

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Seeking God’s Pleasure – A Study of Philippians
“What Gives You Confidence in God?”
Philippians 3:1-11
This text highlights two opposing perspectives on how to develop confidence in God’s love and favor: either to earn it by the moral effort you have engaged in, standing out from the crowds of humanity; or to put your trust in what Christ has accomplished on your behalf to please God and redeem you from your sins. Paul himself has fully plumbed the depths of each approach, and declares with no hesitation that the only approach to true confidence in God’s love is through Christ. Further, the benefits of knowing Christ completely outshine the seeming benefits of self-styled accomplishments, whatever they may be.